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Peer Reviewed Publications

  1. Vincent, A.S., Roebuck-Spencer, T.M., Cox-Fuenzalida, L.E., Block, C., Scott, J.G., & Kane, R. (in press). Validation of ANAM for cognitive screening in a mixed clinical sample. Applied Neuropsychology: Adult.

  2. Roebuck-Spencer, T.M., Glen, T., Puente, A.E., Denney, R.L., Ruff, R.M., Hostetter, G., Bianchini, K.B., (2017). Cognitive Screening Tests versus Comprehensive Neuropsychological Test Batteries: A National Academy of Neuropsychology Education Paper. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, (March 10:1-8 Epub ahead of print).

  3. AlE’ed, A., Vega-Fernandez P., Muscal E., Hinze, C., Tucker, L.B., Appenzeller, S., Bader-Meunier, B., Roth, J., Torrente-Segarra, V., Klein-Gitelman, M.S., Levy, D.M., Roebuck-Spencer, T., Brunner, H., CARRA NPSLE Working Group. (2016). The challenges of diagnosing cognitive dysfunction with neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus in childhood. Arthritis Care & Research, (Dec 19 Epub ahead of print).

  4. Vega-Fernandez, P., Vanderburgh White, S., Zelko, F., Ruth, N.M., Levy, D.M., Muscal, E., Klein-Gitelman, M.S. Huber, A., Tucker, L.B., Roebuck-Spencer, T., Ying, J., & Brunner, H.I. (2015). Cognitive performance scores for the pediatric automated neuropsychological assessment metrics in childhood-onset systemic lupus erythematosus. Arthritis Care & Research, 8, 1119-1127.

  5. Brunner, H.I., Klein-Gitelman, M.S., Zelko, F., Beebe, D.W., Foell, D., Lee. J., Zall, A., Jones, J., Roebuck-Spencer, T.M., & Ying, J. (2014). Blood-based candidate biomarkers of the presence of neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus in children. Lupus Science & Medicine, 1(1), e000038.

  6. Vincent, A.S., Roebuck-Spencer, T.M., Cernich, A.N. (2014). Cognitive changes and dementia risk following TBI: Implications for aging military personnel. Alzheimer’s and Dementia, 10, S174-S187.

  7. Postal, K., Wynkoop, T., Caillouet, B., Most, R., Roebuck-Spencer, T.M., Westerveld, M., Puente, A., & Pliskin, Neil (2014). 360 degree advocacy:  A model for high impact advocacy in a rapidly changing healthcare marketplace. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 28(2), 167-180.

  8. Roebuck-Spencer, T.M., Vincent, A.S., Gilliland, K., Johnson, D.R., Cooper, D.B. &. (2013). Initial Clinical Validation of an Embedded Performance Validity Measure within the Automated Neuropsychological Metrics (ANAM). Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 28(7), 700-710.

  9. Woodhouse, J., Heyanka, D.J., Scott, J., Vincent, A., Roebuck-Spencer, T., Domboski, K., O’Mahar, K., Adams, R. (2013). Efficacy of the ANAM General Neuropsychological Screening battery (ANAM GNS) for detecting neurocognitive impairment in a mixed clinical sample. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 27(3), 376-385.

  10. Roebuck-Spencer, T.M., Vincent, A.S., Schlegel, R.E., & Gilliland, K. (2013). Evidence of Added Value of Baseline Testing in Computer-Based Cognitive Assessment. Journal of Athletic Training, 48(4), 499-505.

  11. Brunner, HI, Klein-Gitelman, MS, Zelko, F, Thomas, EC, Hummel, J, Nelson, SM, Huggins, J, Curran, ML, Roebuck-Spencer, T, Beebe, DW, & Ying, J. (2013). Validation of the pediatric automated neuropsychological assessment metrics in childhood-onset systemic lupus erythematosus. Arthritis Care Research, 65(3), 372-381.

  12. Roebuck-Spencer, T., Vincent, A.S., Twillie, D.A., Logan, B.W., Lopez, M.S., Friedl, K.E., Grate, S.J., Schlegel, R.E., & Gilliland, K. (2012). Cognitive Change Associated with Self-Reported Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Sustained During the OEF/OIF Conflicts, The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 26 (3), 473-489.

  13. Vincent, A.S., Roebuck-Spencer, T.M., Gilliland, K., & Schlegel, R.E. (2012). Automated Neuropsychological Assessment Metrics (v4) traumatic brain injury battery: Military normative data stratified by age and gender. Military Medicine, 177, 256-269.

  14. Vincent, A.S., Roebuck-Spencer, T.M., Lopez, M.S., Twillie, D.A., Logan. B.W., Grate, S.J., Friedl, K.E., Schlegel, R.E., Gilliland, K. (2012). Effects of deployment on cognitive functioning. Military Medicine, 177, 248-269.

  15. Krivitzky, L. S., Roebuck-Spencer, T.M., Roth, R.M., Blackstone, K., Johnson. C.P., & Gioia, G. (2011). Functional magnetic resonance imaging of working memory and response inhibition in children with mild traumatic brain injury. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 17(6): 1143-52.

  16. Sherer, M., Roebuck-Spencer, T.M., Davis, L. (2010). Outcome assessment in traumatic brain injury clinical trials and prognostic studies. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 25, (2): 92-8.

  17. Wertheimer, J.C., Roebuck-Spencer, T.M., Constantinidou, F., Turkstra, L., Pavol, M., & Paul, D. (2008). Collaboration between neuropsychologists and speech-language pathologists in rehabilitation settings. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 23, (5): 273-285.

  18. McGee, C.L., Schonfeld, A.M., Roebuck-Spencer, T.M., Riley, E.P., Mattson, S.N. (2008). Children with heavy prenatal alcohol exposure demonstrate deficits on multiple measures of concept formation. Alcoholism Clinical and Experimental Research, 32 (8):1388-1397.  

  19. Roebuck-Spencer, T.M., Reeves, D.L., Bleiberg, J., Cernich, A.N., Schwab, K., Ivins, B., Salazar, A., Harvey, S., Brown, F., Warden, D. (2008). Influence of demographics on computerized cognitive testing in a military sample. Military Psychology, 2(3).

  20. Walitt, B., Roebuck-Spencer, T., Bleiberg, J., Foster, G., Weinstein, A. (2008) Automated neuropsychiatric measurements of information processing in fibromyalgia. Rheumatology Int, 28(6), 561-566.

  21. Brunner, H., Ruth, N.M., German, A., Nelson, S., Passo, M., Roebuck-Spencer, T.M., Ying, Y., Ris, D. (2007). Initial validation of the pediatric Automated Neuropsychological Assessment Metrics for childhood-onset systemic lupus erythematosus. Arthritis Care and Research, 57(7), 1174-1182.

  22. Walitt B., Roebuck-Spencer, T., Esposito, G., Atkins, F., Bleiberg, J., Foster, G., Weinstein A. (2007). The effects of multidisciplinary therapy on positron emission tomography of the brain in fibromyalgia: A pilot study.
    Rheumatol Int, 27(11), 1019-24.

  23. Roebuck-Spencer, T., Sun, W., Cernich, A.N., Farmer, K., Bleiberg, J. (2007). Assessing change with the Automated Neuropsychological Assessment Metrics (ANAM): Issues and challenges. Arch Clin Neuropsychol, 22(1), 79-97.

  24. Kane, R.L., Roebuck-Spencer, T., Short, P., Kabat, M., Wilken, J. (2007). Identifying and monitoring cognitive deficits in clinical populations using automated neuropsychological assessment metrics (ANAM) tests.
    Arch Clin Neuropsychol, 22(1), 115-126.

  25. Oroszi, G., Lapteva, L., Davis, E., Yarboro, C.H., Weickert, T., Roebuck-Spencer, T., Bleiberg, J., Rosenstein, D., Pao, M., Lipsky, P.E., Goldman, D., Lipsky, R.H., Illei, G.G. (2006). The Met66 allele of the functional Val66Met polymorphism in the brain-derived neurotrophic factor gene confers protection against neurocognitive dysfunction in systemic lupus erythematosus. Ann Rheum Dis, 65(10), 1330-1335.

  26. Lapteva, L., Nowak, M Yarboro, C.H., Takada, K., Roebuck-Spencer, T.M., Weickert, T., Bleiberg, J., Rosenstein, D., Pao, M., Patronas, N., Steele, S., Manzano M., van der Veen, J., Lipsky, P.E., Marenco S., Wesley, R., Volpe, B., Diamond, B., Illei, G.G., (2006). Anti-N-Methyl-D-Aspartate receptor antibodies, cognitive dysfunction, and depression in systemic lupus erythematosus. Arthritis and Rheumatism, 54(8), 2505-2514.

  27. Reeves, D.L., Bleiberg, J., Roebuck-Spencer, T.M., Cernich, A.N., Schwab, K., Ivins, B., Salazar, A.M., Harvey, S.C, Brown, F.H., & Warden, D. (2006). Reference values for performance on the Automated Neuropsychological Assessment Metrics V3.0 in an active-duty military sample. Military Medicine, 171(10), 982-994.

  28. Roebuck-Spencer, T.M., Yarboro, C., Nowak, M., Takada, K., Jacobs, G., Lapteva, L., Weickert, T., Volpe, B., Diamond, B., Illei, G., Bleiberg, J., (2006). Use of computerized assessment to predict neuropsychological functioning and emotional distress in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Arthritis and Rheumatism, 55(3), 434-441.

  29. High, W.M., Roebuck-Spencer, T.M., Sander, A.M., Struchen, M.A., Sherer, M., (2006) Early versus Later Admission to Post Acute Rehabilitation: Impact on Functional Outcome Following Traumatic Brain Injury. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 87(3), 334-342.

  30. Roebuck-Spencer, T. M. & Mattson, S.N. (2004) Implicit strategy affects learning in children with heavy prenatal alcohol exposure. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 28(9), 1424-1431.

  31. Roebuck-Spencer, T.M., Mattson, S.N., Marion, S.D., Brown, W.S., & Riley, E.P. (2004). Bimanual coordination in alcohol-exposed children: Role of the corpus callosum. Journal of International Neuropsychological Society, 10(4), 536-548.

  32. Atchison, T.B., Sander, A.M. Struchen, M.A., Roebuck, T.M., Contant, C.F., Wefel, J.S., Novack, T.A., Sherer, M., & High, W.M. (2004). Relationship Between Neuropsychological Test Performance and Productivity at 1-Year Following Traumatic Brain Injury. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 18(2), 249-265.

  33. Roebuck, T.M., & Mattson, S.N. (2002). Interhemispheric transfer in children with heavy prenatal alcohol exposure. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 26 (12), 1863-1871.

  34. Mattson, S.N. & Roebuck, T.M. (2002). Acquisition and retention of verbal and nonverbal information in children with heavy alcohol exposure. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 26(6), 875-882.

  35. Struchen, M.A., Atchison, T.B., Roebuck, T.M., Caroselli, J.S. & Sander, A.M. (2002). A multidimensional measure of caregiving appraisal: Validation of the Caregiver Appraisal Scale in traumatic brain injury. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 17(2), 132-154.

  36. Sander, A.M., Roebuck, T.M., Struchen, M.A., Sherer, M.S., & High, W.M. Jr. (2001). Long term maintenance of gains obtained in post-acute rehabilitation by persons with traumatic brain injury. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 16(4), 1-19.

  37. Perry, W., Heaton, R., Potterant, E., Minnasian, A., Roebuck, T., & Braff, D. (2001). Working memory in schizophrenia: Transient “online” storage versus executive functioning. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 27(1), 157-176.

  38. Roebuck, T.M., Mattson, S.N., Riley, E.P. (1999). Behavioral and psychosocial profiles of alcohol-exposed children. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 23(6), 1070-1076.

  39. Roebuck, T.M., Simmons, R.W., Richardson, C., Mattson, S. N., & Riley, E.P. (1998). Neuromuscular responses to disturbance of balance in children with prenatal exposure to alcohol. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 22(9), 1992-1997.

  40. Roebuck, T.M., Simmons, R.W., Mattson, S.N., & Riley, E.P. (1998). Prenatal exposure to alcohol affects the ability to maintain postural balance. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 22(1), 252-258.

  41. Roebuck, T.M., Mattson, S.N., & Riley, E.P. (1998). A review of the neuroanatomical findings in children with fetal alcohol syndrome or prenatal exposure to alcohol. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 22(2), 339-344.

  42. Caroselli, J.S., Hiscock, M., & Roebuck, T. (1997). Asymmetric interference between concurrent tasks: An evaluation of competing explanatory models. Neuropsychologia, 35(4), 457-469.

  43. Caroselli, J.S., Hiscock, M., & Roebuck, T. (1997). Webster's scattergram method: Usefulness for assessing the asymmetry of interference between concurrent tasks. Journal of Clinical & Experimental Neuropsychology, 19(2), 185-190.

  44. Pearson, D. A., Santos, C.W., Roache, J.D., Loveland, K.A., Casat, C.D., Farwell, E.C., Roebuck, T.M., Lachar, D. (1996). Effects of methylphenidate on behavioral adjustment in children with mental retardation and ADHD: Preliminary findings from a study in progress. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 8(4), 313-333.


Book Chapters

  1. Roebuck-Spencer, T.M., Désiré, N., & Beauchamp, M. (in press). Traumatic Brain Injury. Neuropsychological conditions across the lifespan. Jacobus Donders and Scott Hunter (Eds.), Cambridge University Press.

  2. Roebuck-Spencer, T.M. & Sherer, M. (in press).  Moderate and severe traumatic brain injury. Textbook of Clinical Neuropsychology, Second Edition. Joel E. Morgan and Joseph H. Ricker (Eds.), Taylor & Francis Group: New York, NY.

  3. Roebuck-Spencer, T.M., Sander, A.M., & Wilde, L. (2014). Substance Abuse and Traumatic Brain Injury. In D.N. Allen & S.P. Woods (Eds.), Neuropsychological aspects of substance use disorders: Evidence-based perspectives. New York: Oxford University Press. pgs. 341-363.

  4. Roebuck-Spencer, T.M. & Cernich, A.N. (2014). Epidemiology and societal impact of traumatic brain injury. Handbook on the Neuropsychology of Traumatic Brain Injury. Sherer, M. & Sander, A. (Eds). Springer.

  5. Roebuck-Spencer, T.M. & Sherer, M. (2011). Moderate and Severe Traumatic Brain Injury. Forensic Neuropsychology: A Scientific Approach, Second Edition. Glenn Larrabee (Ed.), Oxford University Press.

  6. Roebuck-Spencer, T.M. (2010). Moderate to Severe Traumatic Brain Injury. Casebook of Clinical Neuropsychology. Joel E. Morgan, Ida Sue Baron, and Joseph H. Ricker (Eds.), Oxford University Press. pgs. 213-223.

  7. Roebuck-Spencer, T.M., Banos, J., Sherer, M., & Novack, T. (2010).  Neurobehavioral Aspects of Traumatic Brain Injury Sustained in Adulthood. Principles and Practice of Lifespan Developmental Neuropsychology. Jacobus Donders and Scott Hunter (Eds.), Cambridge University Press. pgs. 329-344.

  8. Roebuck-Spencer, T.M. (2010). Changes in Behavior and Emotion after Brain Injury. Managing Brain Injury: A Guide to Living Well with Brain Injury. Michael R. Yochelson and Penny Wolfe (Eds.), ABI Professional Publications, St. Petersburg, FL.

  9. Roebuck-Spencer, T.M. & Richardson, J. (2010). Effects of Brain Injury on Family, Social Roles and Caregiver Issues. Managing Brain Injury: A Guide to Living Well with Brain Injury. Michael R. Yochelson, and Penny Wolfe (Eds.), ABI Professional Publications, St. Petersburg, FL 

  10. Roebuck-Spencer, T.M. & Sherer, M. (2008).  Moderate and severe traumatic brain injury. Textbook of Clinical Neuropsychology. Joel E. Morgan and Joseph H. Ricker (Eds.), Taylor & Francis Group: New York, NY. pgs. 411-429.

  11. Roebuck, T.M., Mattson, S.N., & Riley, E.P. (1999). Prenatal alcohol exposure: Effects on brain structure and neuropsychological functioning. Alcohol and Alcoholism: Effects on Brain and Development, J.H. Hannigan, L. P. Spear, N.E. Spear, & C.G. Goodlett (Eds.), Lawrence Erlbaum: Mahwah, NJ.

Other Publications

  1. Hilsabeck, R.C. & Roebuck-Spencer, T. (2016). FDA seeks input on neurodiagnostic cognitive assessment and external neurostimulation devices. National Academy of Neuropsychology Bulletin, 29(2), 24-25.

  2. Neuropsychology Guidelines Workgroup. (in preparation). Evidence-Based Guidelines for Neuropsychological Assessment and Consultation.

  3. Joint Committee on Interprofessional Relations Between the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association and Division 40 (Clinical Neuropsychology) of the American Psychological Association. (2007). Structure and Function of an Interdisciplinary Team for Persons With Acquired Brain Injury.

Invited Presentations

  1. Roebuck-Spencer, T.M., & Sherer, M. (2011) Predicting outcome after TBI: Translating Empirical Findings into Clinical Practice. Symposium presented at the National Academy of Neuropsychology Conference, Marco Island, FL.

  2. Gilliland, K., Roebuck-Spencer, T., & Vincent, A.S. (2010). Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Assessment: Sports Medicine Applications. Presented at the Central Oklahoma Athletic Directors meeting March 24, 2010, Norman, OK.

  3. Roebuck-Spencer, T., Vincent, A.S., & Gilliland, K. (2010). Pre- and Post-Deployment Cognitive Testing in the US Military. Presented at Walter Reed Army Institute of Research meeting January, 2010.

  4. Vincent, A.S., Roebuck-Spencer, T., & Gilliland, K. (2010). Development of an Embedded Measure of Effort for ANAM4. Presented at Walter Reed Army Institute of Research meeting January, 2010.

  5. Roebuck-Spencer, T., Gilliland, K. & Vincent, A.S. (2009). Post Deployment Cognitive Testing in the US Military.  Presented at a roundtable meeting on state of computerized cognitive testing in Toronto, December 2009.


Conference Presentations

  1. Postal, K., Nordal, K., & Adler, D. (Roebuck-Spencer, T – moderator) (2014) PAIC 2014 Annual Workshop: Navigating Complex Practice Issues - Updates from the IOPC and Private Insurers. Symposium presented at the National Academy of Neuropsychology Conference,

  2. Roebuck-Spencer, T., Deer, T. & Adler, D. (2013) PAIC 2013 Annual Workshop: Focus on Advanced Reimbursement Issues, Contract Negotiation, & PQRS. Symposium presented at the National Academy of Neuropsychology Conference, San Diego, CA.

  3. Austin, B., Morgan, J., Roebuck-Spencer, T., & Wynkoop, T. (2012) Advanced Reimbursement Issues – 2012 Update: Professional Affairs and Information Committee (PAIC). Symposium presented at the National Academy of Neuropsychology Conference, Nashville, TN.

  4. Postal, K., Puente, A., & Raisin-Waters, D. (Roebuck-Spencer, T. & Wynkoop, T – moderators) (2012) Healthcare Reform and Implications for Neuropsychology. Special Topics session presented at the National Academy of Neuropsychology Conference, Nashville, TN.

  5. Roebuck-Spencer, T.M., Austin, B. & Richards, P. (2011). Advanced Reimbursement Issues: Symposium from the Professional Affairs and Information Committee. Symposium presented at the National Academy of Neuropsychology Conference, Marco Island, FL.

  6. Vincent, A.S. & Roebuck-Spencer, T.M. (2011). ANAM4: Application to TBI assessment and management in the military. Test focused workshop presented at the National Academy of Neuropsychology Conference, Marco Island, FL.

  7. Puente, A.E., Richards, P.M., Austin, B., & Roebuck-Spencer, T. (2010). Recent Development on Policy Issues and Their Effect on the Practice of Neuropsychology: Updates from the Professional Affairs and Information Committee. Symposium presented at the National Academy of Neuropsychology Conference, Vancouver.

  8. Bleiberg, J., Reeves, D., Kane, R., Cernich, A. N., & Roebuck-Spencer, T. M. (2003). Neuropsychology as a Public Health Intervention. Presentation at the American Psychological Association, Toronto, CA.



  1. Roebuck-Spencer, T., Vincent, A.S., & Gilliland, K. (2010). Traumatic Brain Injury: Overview and Issues. Presented at Norman High School In-Service August 4, 2010, Norman, OK.

  2. Vincent, A.S., Roebuck-Spencer, T., & Gilliland, K. (2010). ANAM4 Sports – Computerized Assessment of Cognition in Sports: Administration and Interpretation of ANAM4 Sports. Training workshop presented July 24, 2010 at C-SHOP.

  3. Roebuck-Spencer, T. (2010). Clinical Overview of ANAM. Training workshop presented July 24, 2010 by the Center for the Study of Human Operator Performance (C-SHOP).

  4. Roebuck-Spencer, T., (2009). Non-Cognitive Factors that May Influence Neuropsychological Test Performance. Presented at Department of Defense (DoD) Neurocognitive Assessment Tool (NCAT) Training Workshop August 27-28, 2009 at Norman, OK.

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