There is likely no time that isn’t important for a profession to be involved in activities related to its health and continued success. But for neuropsychology, this seems an especially important moment. Healthcare has changed and will continue to do so. These changes will affect how healthcare is delivered and funded. NAN must continue its leadership and remain at the forefront engaging in activities to guide neuropsychology through these challenging times. I strongly support Dr. Tresa Roebuck-Spencer’s candidacy to become President of NAN. As a skillful clinician, she understands the practice of neuropsychology and its interface with medicine. As an accomplished researcher, she appreciates the scientific basis of our profession and the need to continue research advances to better serve our patients and the importance of the academic community. Throughout her career, Dr. Roebuck-Spencer has been committed not only to the practice of neuropsychology but to the advancement of the profession. She’s been a productive member of the NAN Professional Affairs and Information Committee and has served as its chair. She has been NAN Board liaison to the Policy and Planning Committee. She has worked with insurance companies to develop more favorable reimbursement rates for neuropsychological services. Dr. Roebuck-Spencer has worked with multiple professional organizations and across disciplines to ensure that neuropsychology was represented when decisions were being made regarding practice and reimbursement guidelines. It is my strong belief that Dr. Roebuck-Spencer has the experience and qualifications to be an effective leader and to guide NAN as it continues its outstanding work to steer our field into the future.
Robert L. Kane, Ph.D. ABPP-CN, NAN Fellow
It is my pleasure to support Tresa’s candidacy for NAN President. I have worked closely with Tresa for the last four years and have seen personally the quality and diversity of her professional skill set and her commitment to advocacy for the profession of Neuropsychology. She has maintained a busy practice while engaging in research endeavors through our practice and collaborations with other researchers around the country. Through all of this, she has carved out time to serve as chair of the NAN Professional Affairs and Information Committee and now NAN Member-at-Large. This combined with her work across a variety of neuropsychology settings has led her to have a solid grasp of the challenges facing our profession. She is motivated and competent with the personality, warmth, and commitment to bring people together in a collaborative and collegial way. Tresa will be a terrific NAN president.
Kevin Greve, Ph.D., ABPP-CN, NAN Fellow
Jefferson Neurobehavioral Group, New Orleans, LA
It is my pleasure to write in support of Tresa Roebuck Spencer for President of NAN. She embodies the characteristics that are needed in a President and will represent the profession and practice of neuropsychology well. She has always been passionate about issues that affect the profession broadly and has given her time and energy tirelessly in service of the profession whether it is serving on national committees, practice advocacy or research to improve patient care. She has a broad vision of Neuropsychology and its relationship to Psychology, Medicine and healthcare and has been a proven advocate for all aspects of the profession.
Jim Scott, Ph.D., ABPP-CN, NAN Fellow
OUHSC, College of Medicine
It is my sincere pleasure to support Tresa’s candidacy for NAN President as I believe that she will be an excellent representative for the profession of Neuropsychology and as NAN president. In the time that I have worked with her I cannot help but be impressed with her clinical acumen, interpersonal skills, intelligence, energy, and commitment to the field. While shouldering significant clinical responsibilities, she carves out time to serve on multiple committees in our profession. She does so because of her commitment to the field and the capability of working collaboratively. She has an excellent grasp of the major issues facing our profession and articulates them exceptionally well. I think she will serve NAN and the entire neuropsychology community well and she will be an excellent president.
Russell Addeo, Ph.D., ABPP-CN, Director, Brooks Rehabilitation Behavioral Medicine
Jacksonville, Florida
I support Tresa without qualification. I've known her for 17 years as a trainee and colleague. She has a rare combination of experience and skills in clinical, research, and organizational areas. She is committed to our profession and will represent our best interests.
Corwin Boake, PhD, MP, ABPP
Private Practice, Houston, TX and Metairie, LA
Please join me in voting for Tresa Roebuck Spencer. I became acquainted with her when, as chair of the NAN Professional Affairs and Information Committee, she worked closely with the Policy and Planning Committee. Tresa understands the issues from both clinical and science-based perspectives. Her approach is collaborative and proactive. She has years of experience serving NAN and would be an excellent president.
Laurence M. Binder, Ph.D., ABPP-CN, NAN Fellow
Beaverton, OR
Dear friends and colleagues – It is a pleasure to strongly endorse Tresa Roebuck Spencer’s candidacy for NAN President. I have known Tresa since she joined NAN’s Professional Affairs and Information Committee in 2006. Since that time, she has shown her unwavering commitment to Neuropsychology and NAN members. Her diverse professional background allows her to represent the interest of each of us, whether practitioner, professor, supervisor, researcher, administrator, or student. Tresa blends exceptional leadership skills with a thoughtful approach to NAN colleagues as well as members of other professional groups. Her balance of optimism and skepticism will move us towards our mutual goals and help secure a strong future for our profession. Please know that every vote counts – join me in voting for Tresa.
Jennifer M. Morgan, PsyD, NAN Fellow, & Member of NAN’s Professional Affairs and Information Committee
Richmond, VA
As a current postdoc under Dr. Roebuck-Spencer, I have been a very grateful, first-hand recipient of her advocacy and mentorship. She holds the exceptional breadth of knowledge our field of neuropsychology requires, spanning from education and research to clinical practice. She employs this knowledge and advocacy through varied roles, while maintaining a humble, genuine demeanor. An added strength is her keen sense of the relevant and diverse challenges neuropsychologists of varied training levels face today and her distinctive drive to find solutions and further our field. It is an honor to support Dr. Roebuck-Spencer for NAN President.
Kari Eng, PsyD
I strongly urge you all to vote for Tresa Roebuck Spencer for NAN President. I had the pleasure of working with Tresa for several years on NAN’s PAIC committee, for which she served as chair. I found her to be a wonderful colleague to have in our corner! She is so very knowledgeable about the business aspects of Neuropsychology practice and was and is a strong voice in working with insurance companies to get them to understand the importance of our field. I was able to observe her strong leadership abilities in her capacity as chair and I believe her experience has prepared her well to lead NAN.
Mary E. Haines, PhD, ABPP
Toledo, OH
I unreservedly support Tresa Roebuck Spencer, Ph.D. for NAN President. We first met 10 years ago, when we served together on the NAN Professional Affairs and Information Committee (PAIC) and worked together on a number of PAIC projects. Dr. Roebuck Spencer is an experienced, collaborative, and tireless advocate for our profession. She understands the challenges we face as clinicians and researchers and will provide critical leadership during the challenging times ahead.
Brenda A. Austin, Ph.D., NAN Fellow, Former PAIC Co-Chair
San Francisco, California
During the past 10 years of my professional acquaintance with Dr. Roebuck-Spencer, I have observed a steady increase in her dedication and service to the Academy. Tresa is an extremely hard-working colleague whose tireless efforts on the Professional Affairs & Information Committee (PAIC) resulted in numerous benefits to almost all NAN members. She went on to serve as Member-at-Large and has advocated for our field in several other ways. In addition to her many volunteer efforts, she is a well-respected clinician and researcher who is also very approachable as a person.
I strongly urge all NAN members to vote and without hesitation, endorse the NAN presidential candidacy of Tresa Roebuck-Spencer, Ph.D., ABPP! She will be an excellent President who serves all NAN members, professionally addressing the many challenges faced by our field.
Paul M. Richards, Ph.D., NAN Fellow, Former PAIC Co-Chair
Louisville, Colorado